Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wrong Plan...

I transferred $$ from one account to another one (different state), and I tried to avoid cost, so I did what the bank teller suggested me. At the end, I ended up paying more (the delivery fee) due to incorrect method and lack of knowledge... **Sigh** Next, I will have to keep my eye on the process, make sure that it will go as I expect.

2 weeks and 4 days left to Pittsburgh. I am getting panic and sad... I can't imagine my life in Pittsburgh, all alone... no my best friends and everything is new. I can only rely on myself and God's guidance. When I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was to check a calendar, and I inhaled deeply as I learned that I didn't have much times left.

I have finished packing 3 luggages so far, but I still have to pack the books, microwave, printer, and little things. I hope everything turns great **cross fingers**

Oh,, my,, oh,,,
I don't know what else I have to write...
I think that's all for today..

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