Saturday, August 25, 2007

My stupidity

I thought I would cook an appetizer about two weeks ago, so I bought 2% milk carton(small size)because the recipe called for it. However, I cancelled my plan because we had lots of event during last two weeks, and this meant no one used or drank the milk. Therefore, the milk ended up in the garbage bin as I checked stuff in the fridge this morning. :(
I believe this is the second/third time I dump milk because I only use it for cooking/baking, and I am too lazy to drink the leftover. Hehehe...
I used to ask my friend to help me to drink the milk because she always drinks a glass of milk every morning and right before she goes to bed. Now, I don't stay in her apartment anymore, and my current house mate isn't a big fan of milk either. I know it such a waste to dump the whole milk carton, but the milk already expired and needed to be throwed away.

Let's move to my another stupid stuff...
I accidentally dropped one of my client's rash/itching pills when I poured the pills back to the bottle after med count. I couldn't find it, so I notified my specialist and wrote this incident both in the shift update and in the client's log ( the one who has that prescription). The total pills should be 58, and it has 57 pills now. :(
I felt really bad and mad due to my carelessness... Fortunately, I only missed one pill and it wasn't a psychotic drug, so I was 60% safe. This means, another client may not face a danger if, for some reason, they find it and take the pill. Yes, my clients (some of them) are very good in taking advantages of pills in order to get "high." They will use any pills, such as, pills for headache, flu, or stomachache, and drink those pills in huge amount until they get "high."

Last but not least, I removed the leftover food to container after we finished our lunch, and I didn't aware of what I did, but I heard one girl said, "Maria, just dump the pan, that was a disposable one.."
I then realized that I only dumped the food, but not the pan.. SHe laughed at me...

I do a lot of stupid things that I can't count anymore. Right before I took over a kitchen manager position, I prayed that my stupidity would not show up for at least 10 weeks (I still pray until now..). Otherwise, I would get in trouble as I did yesterday during the med count. My specialist convinced me that it would be fine because she also had same experience last time, but I guessed she tried to calm me a little bit.. Well, I will have to wait until Monday when my day manager reads the yesterday's shift update ** cross fingers**

Ok, that's all I have for now..

Have a fantastic weekend!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

To Cook Means To Entertain

I stayed in shelter until 3:45 PM today due to meal preparation. FYI, I am supposed to leave at 3 pm.

One of my co-worker will lead a Mexican Culture group tonight, and she ask if I can serve Mexican food. I then decided to make Enchilada and Southwestern Pasta Salad for them. It took about 1.5 hours to finish two meals plus one additional menu. :)
My co-workers asked how I got cooking skills, so I told them that I studied Hotel and Restaurant w/ a minor in CHild Family Services. I always emphasize my minor because they will wonder why I end up in this field instead of hotel/restaurant field.

As I said on the previous blog, I like my current position because I can cook and interact w/ my clients (adolescence). I also find a pleasure when I cook or bake. :) It helps me to forget my problem, and it is important for me to know whether they like the food or not. Overall, my friends are the best customers I ever had. They will eat any meals that I cook for them, even though the presentation sometimes is not good, they still love it. :)
Thus, I guess I cook to entertain someone else. Hihihihihi....

Some kids and my co-workers passed the kitchen several times to see what I was doing. I found a little bit uncomfortable when they watched me, and I would get distracted if kids walked between kitchen and bathroom because I would automatically check on them. One boy actually banged either his door or window so loud until it rang the central alarm. His room was on the back hallway, close to the kitchen, and I was wondering who did that, but I thought it was another kid who played games in the dining room. I then learned from my co-worker that it was him, and my co-worker said that I should have approached his room. Well, I was careless and felt sorry about that incident.


Saturday, August 18, 2007


I think aluminium foil hates me because my hands lately get a lot of scratches from foil. It hurts, and my hands look ugly...
Two weeks have been passed since the day I filled a kitchen manager position at shelter. The kids though liked my food, and they would pass me on the kitchen to check what food I cook for them. :)
They always pass on kitchen every time they go to the restroom, so they will stop by and see what I am doing.
One day my coordinator mentioned that they got a "bonus" from me because I got some quite-good cooking skills. She also offered me to lead a group about Indonesian culture in order to emphasize cultural diversity in shelter. I am honestly not sure w/ her idea, but she is excited and there's no way I can say no to her.

FYI, following is the hierarchy in my workplace (shelter):
1. Service DIrector --> she leads three facilities (shelter, male and female recovery houses). She visited our shelter almost every day last week. She is a fashionable lady (green shirt, green handbag,and peridot (bright green gemstone)jewelry). Last but not least, I like her perfume's fragrance for some reason. :)

2. Program COordinator --> she is the lady that I mentioned frequently in my previous blog. She is responsible for hiring full-time and part-time staff, signing any types of forms, and preparing legal paperwork. She seldom answers the incoming calls because staff must answer the phone, not her. I thought she only cared about paperwork, but she apparently played bingo w/ clients (kids) almost the entire day yesterday. It surprised me, but I liked it. :)

3. Day Manager--> he works 7-3 pm, but he works 6-2pm temporarily due to I cannot come at 6 am. He is responsible for day activities at shelter. He will move to the intake office (upstairs) every morning at 7 am to supervise clients' morning shower. He also gets in touch w/ social workers, attorneys, and medical appointment. He'll give updates to workers regarding their clients' behavior. That's the reason, we do log a lot because we'll summarize clients' progress based on the information showed on the log.

4. Kitchen Manager--> she works 6-2pm and prepares 3 meals (M-F), orders food and household items, keeps track on the nutrition guidelines. This is actually the position I am filling in. I will get a headache when the items from food bank and Sysco come because I have to fit all items in two freezers and cabinets. SHe also gets in touch w/ workers, but I am not doing this part because I don't really like it... I mean I have limited information about workers and their clients, so it'll take another hour to understand the situation.

5. YOuth Specialist Regular. RIght now, we have about 5 regular youth specialists. They are responsible for supervising clients, leading life skills group, counseling w/ clients (if needed), updating some news to workers/doctors, completing clients' file. The work hours (1pm-11pm and 3-11pm)

6. Night Hours Manager--> We have two night hours managers. This position is not hard (from my perception) because you only need to stay in the shelter the entire night, do bed check, prepare dishes for breakfast, complete shift updates, prepare new point sheets, and finish laundry. The bad thing is that you have to work from 11:30pm-9AM and 11:30pm-11:30am in between Friday and Saturday.

7.Youth Specialist Flexible. We have 3 youth flexi, and their duties are similar to what youth specialist regular does. The difference is that their work hours are more flexible than the regular staff, means they must be available when shelter needs extra full time staff. The work hours (10am-10pm; 11am-11pm; *12 hours shift...)

8. PRN Relief WORker. This is a part-time position, my original position. I believed I had explained what the relief worker meant in the previous blog. We work on the weekend Sat and Sun (8-1pm) for sure. However, we may work in other times if full-time staff can't make their shifts because of vacation, medical leave, and other issues.

9. Intern/volunteer. Normally ISU students.

Wohoo...I hope the explanation is clear enough... :)

My grad school essays are not yet finished, and I need to submit the application soon. Well, the dateline is Oct 15, but I want to submit the entire application in September. One of my friends asked me if I would like to apply for culinary schools in New York. I happened to think to apply for culinary school since I like to cook. To be honest, my position now is quite satisfying because I can cook, interact w/ kids, so I get all at the same time. However, I know that I can't hold this position because the real kitchen manager will come back at the end of September. I, indeed, expect that my coordinator will extend my position up until October, but it is likely not going to happen, right??

All right, that's all for today...


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ethic, Philosophy, and Faith

I'm not sure how I will describe my feeling, but I feel not right, guilty, shame, and sad at the same time when I see my friends drink alcoholic beverages in events like a house party or even during weekdays.

Their drinking habit is not acceptable and probably abusive. It is okay to drink beers or liquors occasionally, but I don't think it is all right to drink alcoholic beverages in "huge" amount almost every night.

I've just come back from a house party that one of my best friends hosted it. I decided to leave early, and I told them that I felt not safe. Some of them understood my decision while some were not. There was a music in addition to beverages, and I worried that polices would search the apartment due to music volume. I am also afraid that every one in that place will get a trouble, and I'll feel guilty if my coordinator knows I have a criminal record due to this event. As you know, I work in shelter, and my major duty is to educate trouble youths of how to make a good choice, control our emotion, and to live in a better life.
Therefore, I have to hold those lessons into my everyday lives. I can't just tell them, but I don't practice those life values in my own life.

I, then, have another dillema. I want to stay w/ my best friends because that's the time I can hang out w/ them and also to avoid a "nerd" image that probably attach to me. However, I feel not right and guilty when I stay there. I fight so hard to stay longer in that place, but I don't think I can do it. I understand if they call me a lame girl because I don't either dance or drink, but I won't feel guilty at least.
I feel sad because I can't tell them that they shouldn't drink such like that. I had tried to tell them to reduce their drinking habit several times, but it didn't work.

I also observed people characteristics while I was there. It was interesting to watch their characteristics. Sometimes I think my friend drinks alcohols a lot because he/she can't handle his/her life stress such as, job hunting, work issues, family matter, and loneliness. Others drink alcohols and liquors because they want to taste and leave a "cool" impression. Some of them drink because they want to expand their knowledge in beverages.

In addition to that, I observed several guys at that place and made a case based on my observation. How if one day I have a boyfriend who has binge drinking? How should I tell him to stop? I also searched for acceptable/ reasonable characteristics from all guys who drank and dance in that place because I can't expect to have a boyfriend or future husband that doesn't drink at all or hasn't been to the pub before.
I know it's funny, but I find one characteristic that I believe each person should have, and it is an ability to control yourself (knowing your limit). You can drink and go to the bar/pub, but you must know when you must stop to drink and how you should act in that kinds of places.

I really wish my friends read this particular blog especially for those who drink alcoholic beverages frequently. I am hoping that they will understand and inspect their attitude once they read this blog.

Last but not least, it is okay if you disagree w/ what I write here because every one has different perception. What I am trying to say in this blog is that we need to be able to say "no" to our friends, even to our best friends if we truly know that we are right. DOn't drink, if you know that you don't like beers/ hard liquors or you think that those particular beverages are too strong for you. As my friend said, "You are responsible for your own life."

Saturday, August 11, 2007

What a lovely day..

I found another PRN who wanted to cover my shift on Saturday. Thus, I woke up at 7 AM this morning, talked on the phone w/ my sister, and slept again until 10:45 AM. Hahahaha....I know that it isn't right to wake at 10:45 AM, and I will try to not do it again in the future..

My birthday is coming soon. Yup, this upcoming Monday. I'll be 22 years old, and I'll celebrate my birthday w/o my family. Last year, I insisted that I wanted to go back to the States on Aug 13, even though I knew that I could postpone my departure. I still remember how my Dad wished that I could celebrate my birthday at home, but I said that I needed to go back soon because I had a mentor training. My friends who picked up me at airport brought me to a restaurant and just before we finished our meals, the servers brought a strawberry cheesecake for me. I was surprised at that time because I thought it was just normal dinner, but they actually planned it for me. Special thanks to E, S, R, and L! :)

This year, I'll have a b'day dinner w/ my friends who always make me laugh. :)
I'm thankful for their presence and support.

I guess, that's all for today.

Thanks for stopping by, and I wish you have a pleasant day!

Thursday, August 9, 2007


My clients who are about 10-12 yrs younger than me really drive me crazy!
None of them followed my direction,and some of them gave me disgruntled face.

I went home, planned to have a delicious meal. However, I ended up w/ half-burned vegetables and a medium rare chicken. I normally a good cook, but tonight I am the worst cook ever...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

New Apartment-New Role and Responsibilities


I'd already moved to a new apartment yesterday. My friends moved 3/4 of my stuff first because I was at work when my house mate picked up the keys. Special thanks to Y, E, and my house mate who helped me during the moving process.

I was exhausted and had to wake up at 5:30 AM this morning. FYI, I had two days training with the kitchen manager, and it started at 7 AM. She will be on medical leave starting this Friday, and I'll fill her position until she comes back to shelter. Most of my "new" duties will be preparing 3 meals, taking care of schools, ordering food items, and supervising clients. I will work 7-3 pm (M-F) till the end of September. I am praying that my stubborness won't show up for the next 10 weeks.... We will see how it goes...

The good thing from this new role is that I can interact w/ all clients consistently since I meet them every day. I haven't told them yet about this news, but they will know soon or later..

What else??
*** I haven't yet found another person to cover my Saturday's morning shift... I don't mind to work, but I hope that I can wake up a little bit late this Saturday.. One day please...

**I am craving for mooncakes.. Hik..

Hmmph, that's all I have for today..

Thanks for reading my blog...