Friday, July 13, 2007

Stay late at shelter..

Again, I was informed that shelter needed a PRN to cover someone else's shift. I asked my prog coordinator if I could leave at 9 PM instead of 11 PM so that I could catch the bus. She agreed with me, but she asked my day manager to check if I could stay late until 11 PM which was the normal schedule. She also said that other full-times probably could give me ride to home. We had one regular youth specialist and one youth flex in addition to myself. I knew at that time that they would need me to stay until 11 PM, so I told them that I would ask my friend if she could pick up me at shelter.

Thanks to my friend who wanted to pick up me at 11 PM last night.
However, I felt bad when I knew that my friend had been waiting for me for half hours at parking ramp by herself. She apparently went to WalMart to buy some stuff, and instead of going back to her apartment, she decided to go directly to shelter. Her boyfriend wasn't in Ames and the girl that normally hanged out w/ her didn't show up last night, while another boy who went to WalMart w/ her decided to go home early. :(

I promise that I won't let this thing happens again...

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