Wednesday, July 18, 2007

89 F

I try to not use AC frequently as a way to cut my electricity cost, but it doesn't work. Today's weather is so hot and dry. I had opened my two huge windows, but I still sweated..

I almost finish cleaning my apartment and ready to move. It took a while to clean the kitchen appliance because the previous resident didn't clean it for me. FYI, I subleased this apartment from someone else, and the only thing that he took care before he left was the refrigerator. I had to take out nails from the wall, clean the stained area above the stove... (I don't know the exact name of this one...), and etc.

What else??
I threw another pile of paper from my previous HRI classes since I wouldn't go back to hotel school anymore. :P

I did my laundry this morning because I probably won't be able to do it in my friend's apartment.. She indeed has a washer/dryer in her apartment, but I am afraid that it will add her utility cost..

that's for today!

p.s. I bet you have been listened to Fergie's new song, "Big Girls don't Cry." I like this song... I want to play a swing every time I listen to this song..

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