Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"The Book of Useless Information"- Part I


I got this book as part of the Borders' special offers (3 for 2), and I thought this book would entertain me considering its title "...useless information."

The mascot of this book is a squirrel, and following is some useless facts about this particular animal.
"It is estimated that millions of trees are planted by forgetful squirrels."
"Squirrels can climb trees faster than they can run on the ground."
"Squirrels may live fifteen or twenty years in captivity, but their life span in the wild is only about one year. They fall prey to disease, malnutrition, predators, cars, and humans."
"A squirrel cannot contract or carry the rabies virus."

Chapter 4 "On the menu"
"Tutti Fruity" section
--> Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient for waking you up in the morning
--> Approx. 17 thousand bananas are eaten each week in the Boston Univ.dining room.
--> In Ivrea, Italy, thousands of citizens celebrate the beginning of Lent by throwing oranges at one another.

"Java Time" section
--> A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee.

"The Sweet Spot" section
--> M&Ms stand for the last names of Forest Mars Sr., the sweet maker, and his associate, Bruce Murrie. The candy was developed so soldiers could eat sweets w/o getting their fingers sticky.
--> Pound cake is so called because the original recipe required one pound of butter
--> Ice cream was originally made w/o sugar&eggs. Seaweed is one of the ingredients in some ice cream.
--> Eating chocolate was once considered a temptation of the devil.

"No wonder we're fat"
--> A can of SPAM is opened every 4 seconds.
--> More popcorn is sold in Dallas than anywhere else in the United States

What do you think? I think these facts are interesting.

Hope you enjoy it!

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