Thursday, September 4, 2008


I still don't hear anything regarding my placement and plan to visit my advisor's office tomorrow.
My ticket to Indonesia for Christmas is still on waiting list because I insist to return to US on Jan 2,09 instead of Jan 1,09. I don't know if it is worthy to go home for Christmas, but I don't want to spend my Christmas alone.. For sure, I don't want to celebrate my Christmas in Pittsburgh. Do I really hate Pittsburgh? This city is not that bad. It is pretty, but I still feel lost in Pittsburgh.
I keep telling myself that this is a temporary issue. Later on, I can get along with the environment, or I will refuse to return to my hometown... :P

Remember when I mentioned about my 1st quiz?? I got the score this afternoon. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good enough. It relieved me a little bit because I didn't get 50.. Next time, I'll study hard.. make sure that I read all essays well. If necessary, I'll memorize everything in detail.

Last but not least, I have lots of things going on with me,, too much until I can't think what steps I should take. I guess it's normal for human to have problems, and can you imagine if you live in this world without having problems?

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